Santa Cruz

Sant Cruz Bicycles


Having a break from some work travel, I visited my friends in Santa Cruz today. It’s a nice part of the USA about 2 hours south of San Francisco. A friendly surfing town where lots of people cruise to the beach on bikes with no helmets.

Visiting the Santa Cruz bicycle shop on the outskirts of town made me appreciate just how much effort has gone into their products. They were responsible for being probably the first to include suspension in their mountain bikes. The build quality is legendary and in regards to the finish, somewhat flawless.

This one pictured is a little small for me however the others I rode were nice to ride. It’s a thrill going to bike shops like this one to chat with them as their interest and passion for bikes is infectious.

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AUS to USA – Los Angeles

Here is a highlight reel of my trip to the USA and Europe.

I spent most of it running around, exploring towns, eating cheese and enjoying some great company.

I hope you enjoy…


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Cycling Zoo2Zoo NSW Day 3 – Finale!

We made it!
Canberra Zoo to Dubbo Zoo in two and a half days. A total of 480km.

It is a great feeling as this is the furthest I’ve cycled in such a short length of time.

As I said in my video straight after the ride as we were chilling and enjoying a bbq and beer provided by the Zoo, I probably shouldn’t have done the cycle around the zoo as that was an extra 5 kilometres I really didn’t need on top of the already tiring day!

Anyway it is a great place. The Western Plains Zoo is set up with a safari feel. You can cycle or drive around the park which winds amongst the enclosures. Although it was the middle of the day so the animals were mostly hiding in the shade.. we still managed to catch the big African ones such as the Elephants.

Of course it isn’t the same as being on an actual safari which would be amazing, yet I still remember when I was a little kid, cycling around the zoo with my family was so much fun. You can see so much more on a bike.

Thanks again to everyone who supported me on this trip with your generous donations to the Black Dog Institute.. I hope to do it again soon.
Maybe you can join us?!



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Cycling Zoo2Zoo NSW Day 2

Ok my legs are shaking…
We rolled into Molong after today’s 170km cycle from Young and met up at the local cricket field. This of course was after stopping at the local gelatissimo which happens to be the headquarters of one of Australia’s only high quality ice-cream manufacturers.. It was the most welcome end to an amazing second day. I got a choc-chip / burnt caramel cone and milkshake, recommended by the manager, which happened to be the best ice-cream mix I’ve tried!

My legs may feel like jelly but I couldn’t be happier. Ok so that is maybe the endorphins I’m running on, but it’s still a great feeling to get to know a bunch of great people as we cycle along some of Australia’s nicest rolling hills. The air is so clear and crisp with powder blue skies, we couldn’t have asked for nicer cycling conditions.
Yesterday had steeper hill climbs yet today was more difficult to get going as just sitting on the bike seat was a pain in the bum. I started off the first few kilometres standing up. 🙂

I have taken to eating a drinking a lot as it is a decent pace I’m finding my energy use is pretty high. Been trying to stay away from too much pure sugar but of course snakes and cold Coke cans are hard to resist!



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Cycling Zoo2Zoo NSW Day 1

We just rolled into the town of Young on our first leg of the trip as we cycle from Canberra Zoo to Dubbo Western Plains Zoo for the Black Dog Institute.
I’m proud to have made all 185km,, yet I’m pretty tired and my ass is pretty sore.. ha!

There are 20 of us in the group, ranging from elite cyclists who make their money taking people on tours around the European alps (which I would love to do one day!) through to casual weekend rollers.
I guess I would fall somewhere in-between there, it is still a decent distance to go ahead of us.

We have amazing support along the way with two of the wives of cyclists in the support vehicles along with Andrew, an amazingly community spirited guy who has supported several of these trips. Including the Sydney to Dubbo rides, which is a similar distance ride in October.

I signed up with three friends; Webby, Garth and Nick and the people on the ride also seem like a great bunch of people and always keen to have a chat along the way.
So far so good!
Thanks to everyone for their generous donations to the Black Dog Institute, an awesome charity I am fully behind.



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GOOD Habits – Great iPhone App

I came across a cool little iPhone application called GOOD Habits by Good to Hear.
It’s very simple and free.. yet I love the way you can set a habit you would like to pick up and press on a day when you have done this activity.
The best thing is,, when you start getting on a role, doing it every day, you see this big chain of days as the coloured line fills in you get the feeling ‘I don’t want to break this winning streak!’ and keep going.
I like it.. Give it a go.


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Delivering a Brine Concentrator Tower to QLD

I’ve been working out a few hours west of Brisbane. I just helped deliver a large component of a water plant that will purify the water that is a by-product of the coal seam gas mining that is going on up here.

This couple of hundred tonne Brine Concentrator from New Zealand needed to be taken along some of the outback roads as the bridges on the main roads were unable to support its weight.

Moving the Brine Concentrator - Early Morning

This was taken early before we rolled out on the final leg of the journey

In order to get up the great dividing range between Brisbane and Toowoomba, they used two prime movers, one pulling, the other pushing. It was a pretty impressive site.

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Gliding Darling Downs 4&5

It was a lot drier this weekend, with the ground crunching and the sun beaming down. This made those 2 minutes of sitting on the runway waiting in the glider with the canopy closed just before the tug pulls you into the air really uncomfortable. Although it was hot there was a small breeze but the moment the canopy closes it turns into a greenhouse and like a light switch, you instantly sweat.


A minute later as you take off, the air starts blowing through the small vent and you’re all good.
This time I had Peter then Paul on my second flight.. both great pilots. I was told I’m coming along really well – which is great news! I even got a ‘perfect!’ on the turning to a point exercises.. which is great as I really feel more confident.
The highlight this time was that we practised stalling!,, It was a weird feeling as the glider starts to shudder as you approach the stalling speed, because of the drag vortices that are generated. Normally this is a good warning but I continued to pull the stick back and as you stall its nose just starts to drop away and you pick up speed quickly as you’re on your way again. It seriously feels like the rush of a roller-coaster.
I did my own thermalling today, managing to get up to cloud base, in this case around 7000 feet ( ~2.1km ), we couldn’t go any higher as you aren’t allowed to go into could in a glider in Australia without the right instruments.


I was pretty impressed by today and every time I go gliding and get more confidence I think it couldn’t get much better than this!
..But Peter said, you just wait until you do acrobatics.. ha..
I can’t wait.

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Gliding lessons 2 & 3

When I rocked up to the Darling Downs gliding club around 11am today I was whisked straight into the awaiting Puchacz training glider that had recently landed. My instructor Leon gave me a run through of the preflight checks and I suited up in my parachute.

Farms From above

I was talking with Fran this great pilot who had flown there from the Gold Coast to fly the tug for the day. It seemed like an ideal situation, her little plane was great and you can apparently buy them as a kit with most of it pre-cast, you just need to put the large bits together, which saves them time in the factory. It’s a little twin seater.

Steep Turn

The first flight of the day was a chance for Leon to see where I was. I got the controls pretty quickly as he had given me some great pointers on incorporating the rudder. I find when people explain the reasoning behind something like that I get it much quicker.

— The problem is the nose wants to yaw up and away from the turn and you need to correct this with rudder. So when you pull the stick to the left, the right wing goes up and the drag is higher on this wing, so it is pulled back. Applying left rudder counteracts this. Power pilots apparently don’t understand this concept very well, so I am happy to have this skill down now. —

We did lots of turns and the day was littered with excellent lift.. Several times we thought about coming down, and looked for where we should be to join the circuit.. and beep beep beep, the variometer lets us know we are getting good lift, often up over seven knots.

[map style=”width: auto; height:350px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 1px solid black;” marker=”yes” lat=”-27.34945″ lon=”151.51448″ maptype=”SATELLITE” z=”15″]

On my last flight of the day I ended up doing a lot of thermalling by myself and he seemed pretty happy as I managed to get the plane from 3000 feet above ground to around 4500.. Which was the biggest buzz. In the end after battling to find lift for the past half hour, when it came time to come home it became impossible,, so Leon ended up doing some impressive steep turns to wash off some altitude.

Ideally would have loved to get in a third flight but I’m happy we got some at all. I look forward to going back in the new year.


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Gliding from Warwick to Bowenville

As we rapidly accellerated down the Warwick runway I was instantly reminded why I took up gliding 5 years ago and since gave it up due to work and location. I’m glad I’m now back learning in what is apparently one of the best areas to go gliding in Australia.

The Darling Downes Soaring Club seem to be a great bunch of people. I flew with Dennis on a mission to retreive a glider the Australian Airforce Cadets had been borrowing. The Sky all around us was dotted with slow moving storm cells, which from the air looked like pool cleaners or flying saucers hovering above the surface with a thick curtain of rain drenching the ground beneath. As the storm passed over, the ground behind was heavy with a thick layer of surface water.


As we were under tow, Dennis constantly gave reports on alternative landing sites should the rope break. A cloud in the distance to our right lit up the sky as lightning struck the ground underneath. Our tow duet came upon a cloud that was lower and darker than the others and so had to dive down underneath it. This made Dennis have to work hard to maintain the tension on the tow rope by increasing drag on the glider. If we were to let the rope go slack then tight again as the tug flew off, the risk of it snapping is much higher. So we had to apply a lot of rudder to slip sideways through the air and even add some air brake! which gave the feeling we were dropping out of the sky as this drastically increased the drag on the glider.

After we unhooked from tow, the next 1/2 an hour was spent searching around for lift through thermals. There was not much available as little sunlight was hitting the ground and the rising air we did find was very weak. We gained only about 1000 feet as the lesson progressed.

Just like riding a bike, many of the skills come back quickly. I was applying stick and rudder at the same time fairly well. I had a lot of help, but I can’t wait to improve.

One of the most incredible parts of the flight is landing at about 67knots or around 120kph with your backside only a few inches above the ground at the grass airstrip near Bowenville. I look forward to many more flights in the future.


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